
2015 - ongoing
mixed media 

WriteToMin is a self healing experiment to acknowledge and unblock hidden feelings. Multiple layerings of fluorescent pink and green with black and white applied with pencil, pen, brush, roller, knives and ink, acrylic, oil, repurposed tape colored by other projects and calligraphy in both English & Korean to create large canvases as pieces of a whole.

Each WriteToMin piece is an organic evolution of mood and reactions to memories uncovered in from daily journalling. These are transcribed onto giant canvases to exposing what’s been hidden for so many years. Fluorescent pink and green hues challenge the tradition of calligraphy as a statement reflective of her life in Seoul, Korea and now in Brooklyn, USA. English and Korean words are applied layer over layer into subliminal textures and tones. Each layer is photographed when complete before being covered by the next. This process is repeated until a natural end is arrived.